Page 60 - Annual Report 2016
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ANNUAL REPORT 2016  Accomplishments and Performance

       Internal Efficiency Development

       T4edu’s Systems

- T4edu has sought to automate business processes and systems and transform them into an e-environment that improves
business processes, minimizes cost and reduces operating time. It also controls quality through providing a range of e- supporting
systems such as:
-the ERP system, which is a system that manages the financial and administrative systems in the Support Services Sector (The
Administration and Human Resources, Finance, and Procurement and Contracts);
-the EPM System for Project Management Office; and
-An e-system for managing and archiving documents.

Administrative Affairs and Human Resources Department e- Systems
- Staff Self-Service System (ERP-HR)

The e- HR Self-Service System was launched in August 2016. Nine (9) self-service functions have been released where employees can
complete their transactions electronically, which includes: information desk services, leave requests and balances, statements, and
reviewing personal and job data.

- Staff Performance Appraisal System:

It is an e-system used to review and evaluate staff performance periodically, bi-annually and annually in line with the approved objectives
and KPIs set by T4edu departments and programs and to what extent KPIs have been achieved and the role of the staff in achieving them.
The system links objectives with performance averages, and documents performance. This supports the improvement processes in the
subsequent phases.

- Training and Development System

Training and Development System:
It is an e-system that manages all staff training and development processes and is aligned with employee records. Additionally, it links the
training processes to staff career paths and provides training content.

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